Let your Legacy Live On - Build a temple for eternity
Agni Puranam: 18-19. By (erecting) a temple of Viṣṇu one reaches his region. As long as the bricks remain in the temple of Hari, the founder of that family is honoured in the world of Viṣṇu. He becomes pious and adorable in this world as well as the next.
Donation Categories
SDVS Temple founding members - US$108,000 (available for the first 108 members)
- Founding member will be part of temple administration committees; names will be engraved on donor wall; receive privileges in Pratishtha programs and Aarjita sevas; receive special prasadam* by His Holiness Sri Swamiji.
SDVS Life-time members - Gold members US$75,000 / Silver members US$50,000 (no limit)
- Life-time members will be part of temple activity coordination committees on a rotation basis; receive privileges in Pratishtha programs and Aarjita sevas; names will be engraved on donor wall; receive special prasadam
SDVS Bhu Daana Seva - US$25,000
SDVS Temple Indianization Seva - US$25,000 per panel
- Receive privileges in Pratishtha programs and Aarjita sevas for 2 years; receive special prasadam
SDVS Gopura Seva - US$11,000 (available for 54 members)
- Receive privileges in Pratishtha programs and Aarjita sevas for 1 year; receive special prasadam
SDVS Sahasra Dala Seva - US$1,116 (available for first 1000 members)
- Receive privileges in Aarjita sevas for 3 months and receive silver Tulasi leaf
SDVS Temple Nirmana Seva - US$301 per Sq Ft (Temple + SDVS Kalyana Mandapam 24,000 Sq Ft)
- Sq ft brick seva will be performed on donor name and used for construction; special prasadam
Dollar-A-Day or Venkateshwara Swamy Mudupu Seva - US$30 per month
- Monthly one free puja on donor’s family name and laddu prasadam
* Special prasadam item(s) or privileges in Aarjita sevas will depend upon the donor category/donation amount
Ways to Donate
For one time & monthly recurring payments using Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ARQGM2RW9N2NU
For one time & monthly recurring payments using Zelle: Zelle Id is balajitempleca@gmail.com
For amounts greater than 5K, please mail the cheque to (payable to Datta Yoga Center or DYCUSA) :
In the Memo Field, please write “For CBT”
California Balaji Temple
1366 Suzanne Ct
San Jose, CA, 95129